Tianlai Analysis Teleconference

Peter Timbie (UW-Madison), Peter Timbie


1) WIYN/Hydra observing.  Peter submited OPR form,  housing/meals have been reserved.

2)  Tianlai Collaboration Meeting/ 21 cm Cosmology Workshop plans.  Third week of July (16-21 July)

3 days 21cm cosmology meeting/workshop, followed by 2 days Tianlai collaboration meeting.
(We may have a 5 days total duration limit for one international meeting, including the registration day;  may have to split into two meetings.).
Invited speaker list:
Ue-Li Pen, Richard Shaw, Sourabh Paul, Mario Santos.
people in the MeerKLASS collaboration:
Steven Cunnington, Laura Wolz, Marta Spinelli, Yinzhe Ma? 
Broaden to include EoR, DSA, Lunar probes:
Vikram Ravi  (DSA)
Yichao will make an Overleaf document to keep track of topics/ invitees.  Maybe a total of 20 people from overseas, including Tianlai collaborators.
Scientific Organizing Committee (Northeastern U members,  Xuelei, Reza, Albert )
3) Other - next time
- TDA observing status?
- Reza will report on WIYN catalog analysis
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.