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21–26 Jul 2024
NIU Naperville Conference Center
US/Central timezone

Development of a multi-channel scintillator array for improved reconstruction of high-energy photon spectra in laser-plasma experiments

25 Jul 2024, 17:00
room 261

room 261



Rebecca Fitzgarrald (University of Michigan)


The generation of high-energy photons is a useful diagnostic tool in many different contexts. In laser-solid target experiments, the total yield and energy distribution can be compared for different target types to determine the optimal set-up for photon generation, to be used in radiography and computed tomography of dense objects. In colliding experiments between a laser pulse and an electron beam, the change of the photon yield with different experimental parameters can help differentiate between various radiation sources. In addition, the spectral data can help benchmark particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation codes that describe quantum electrodynamic (QED) processes. As higher-power laser facilities are opening, these types of experiments will be able to explore new regimes of physics and generate photon spectra extending to higher energies. Therefore, it’s important to develop diagnostic tools capable of making these measurements. Spectrometers such as the filter stack spectrometer (FSS), the scintillator attenuation spectrometer (SAS), and the gamma stack spectrometer (GSS) have been used in several experiments at the Texas Petawatt Laser facility (TPW) and ELI-NP, providing valuable data about photon production at different laser energies. By using knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of these spectrometers, we are developing a novel multi-channel scintillator array to work at a high repetition rate that improves our ability to unfold the spectrum from the measured signal. Its modular design will allow it to be utilized in a range of experiments at ZEUS and other laser facilities.

Working group WG6 : Radiation generation, medical and industrial applications

Primary author

Rebecca Fitzgarrald (University of Michigan)


Brian J. Albright (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Alemayehu Bogale (University of California - San Diego) Laurence E. Bradley (Imperial College London) Sandra Bruce (University of Texas) Brandon Cage (Rice University) Timothy A. Coffman (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Thomas H. Day (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Todd Ditmire (University of Texas) Juan C. Fernandez (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Alejandro Figueroa (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Temour Foster (Queen's University Belfast) D. Cort Gautier (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Paul Gellersen (University of York) Elias Gerstmayr (Queen's University Belfast) Annabel E. Gunn (Imperial College London) Ahmed Helal (University of Texas) Chengkun Huang (Los Alamos National Laboratory) James Hunter (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Benjamin J. Jones (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Brendan Kettle (Imperial College London) Yongho Kim (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Owen Lawrence (University of York) Edison Liang (Rice University) Scott V. Luedtke (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Stuart P. D. Mangles (Imperial College London) Kevin D. Meaney (Los Alamos National Laboratory) L. Tyler Mix (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Chris D. Murphy (University of York) Ryan Nedbailo (University of Texas) Sasikumar Palaniyappan (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Hernan J. Quevedo (University of Texas) Christopher P. Ridgers (University of York) Dean R. Rusby (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Gianluca Sarri (Queen's University Belfast) John L. Schmidt (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Michael M. Spinks (University of Texas) David J. Stark (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Joseph Strehlow (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Lucian Tudor (Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics) Justin Twardowski (Ohio State University) Ashlyn Van Pelt (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Chun-Shang Wong (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Lin Yin (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Yong Ma (University of Michigan) Alexander G. R. Thomas (University of Michigan)

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