MSD Machine Operations Report Summary Wednesday, May 10, 2023 Proton Source 1. Mechanical/Vacuum a. Nothing to report 2. Fluids a. Nothing to report Main Injector/Recycler 1. Mechanical/Vacuum a. R:IP901D nuisance trips continue 2. Fluids a. MI10 LCW pump #1 back online Monday afternoon b. MI magnet LCW system filled Monday i. May add water to RF LCW system today External Beamlines 1. Mechanical/Vacuum a. NM2 vacuum leak checking continues i. Upstream portion leak tight and at 50 mTorr ii. Downstream pumping and leak checking continues 2. Fluids a. Muon M4 line HRS skid inspection today b. Request to access MS2 roof for potential air tower LCW leak inspection Fluids – General 1. CUB - starting Column III regeneration today