Connected: O. Perdereau, R. Ansari, Jixia Li, K.F. Yu, Xuelei Chen, Fengquan Wu, Yichao , Chengliang Xu, G. Tucker
(1) Status of WIYN/Hydra observations - Short presentation by Greg. Tucker
2 nights, bad weather on Friday night , one tile observed on Saturday, before the instrument stopped working. We were supposed to observe ~ 16 tiles. It is likely that we will be offered observation time in the future
(2) Update on the collaboration meeting by Yichao - We site page is setup on the tianlai site, with practical information, hotel photos (guest rooms and meeting room), and a preliminary schedule . Waiting / expecting feedback from the university on the application. Yichao prepares a list of invited speakers.
(3) Presentation of a Paper on simulations for cylinder calibration and map making , by Kai Feng Yu. Discussion about the effect on the regularisation scheme on m-mode map making, in particular effect of eigenvalues threshold in Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse, on stripes or wiggles appearing on the map. Discussion will be continued in the next meetings.
-- Summary e-mail from Yichao on speaker list
Dear everyone,
I would like to confirm the name list of the invited speaker.
Ue-Li Pen
Richard Shaw
Kavi Moodley
Ben Saliwanchik
Dan Pober
Danny Jacobs
Miguel Morales
Anthony Aguirre
Philip Bull
Mario Santos
Laura Wolz
Sourabh Paul
Steven Cunnington
Adrian Liu
Bin Wang
Jiajun Zhang
Leon Koopmans
Florent Mertens
Jonathan Pritchard
Global spectrum
Jeff Peterson
Ravi Subrahmanyan
Anze Slosar
Vikram Ravi
Gregg Hallinan
HI simulation:
Qi Guo
Xin Wang
Weishan Zhu
Marta Spinelli
The aim is to submit the letter by this Friday.
So, if anything need to be changed, please let me know by this Thursday (May 25.)