Apr 11 – 20, 2024
Instituto Principia
America/Sao_Paulo timezone
Instituto Principia
Rua Pamplona 145 Sao Paulo

NUINT 24 is the 14th in a series of workshops concentrating on neutrino-nucleus interactions. The goal of the whole series is to bring theorists and experimentalists from the nuclear and high-energy community together to address the many challenges of understanding these complex interactions. This edition will be held in São Paulo, Brazil.  NUINT 2024 is jointly organized by the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and by the Brazilian Center for Research in Physics (CBPF)






Instituto Principia


NuInt24 will consist of sessions covering the following topics:

Session1: Neutrino flux predictions and measurements

Session 2: Neutrino interaction generators

Session 3: QE + 2p2h / 0-pi production (T+E)

Session 4: Pion Production/SIS/DIS

Session 5: Low-energy neutrino scattering (T+E)

Session 6: Charged lepton and pion scattering (T+E)

session 7: Impact of scattering uncertainties on measurements (T+E)

Considerable time for discussion is being planned into these sessions.

We invite you to attend NuInt 24 to continue the study of these important interactions.