Thanks to everyone who participated in workshop. Link to slides is attached to this agenda. Wide range of subjects covered. Nice ECAL talk from someone at Florida State. Will probably revisit the detector requirements over the next few months.
Stefan and Michel will bring ND-GAr as a working group under phase 2 structure. There is white paper that is being prepared. We will approach many of the speakers to contribute to it.
We also want to change the meeting structure a bit, making more space for high-level physics talks: long-baseline (and getting ND-GAr samples into LBL), BSM. Will appoint some liasons.
So we will try to alternate between detector performance weeks and more high-level physics meetings.
No ND-GAr meeting next Tuesday (due to July 4th). Next meeting July 11th.
We thank Alan and Alfons for their excellent leadership.
Tanaz asked about a possible liason to neutrino interactions systematics group. Yes, will see if we need an official liason, but will plan on having updates from/with that group as well.