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OPTT Cohort 5: Entrepreneurship & Commercialization Practicum

Britney Gillespie, Cherri Schmidt (Fermilab), Jane Pretkelis

The Office of Partnerships and Technology Transfer will host Cohort 5 of the Entrepreneurship and Commercialization Practicum for Fermilab researchers interested in connecting their work with direct societal impact. Students will be exposed to core entrepreneurship and commercialization concepts and have the opportunity to practice their skills in a small team-learning environment. This is OPTT's fifth practicum, jointly funded by the Office of Science and Office of Technology Transitions of the U.S. Department of Energy, which is in direct alignment with Fermilab's mission and DOE's program objectives to develop new technologies for science that support U.S. industrial competitiveness.

  • Chandler Lawrence
  • Cherri Schmidt
  • Cheryl Stetter
  • Daiane Colombo
  • David Neuffer
  • Jane Pretkelis
  • Jelani Hannah
  • Lucas Trestka
  • Matt Maciazka
  • Mauricio Suarez
  • Maxwell Bernstein
  • Prachi Sharma
  • Quinn Peterson
  • Roza Doubnik
  • Sunny Debrito
  • Yi Xie
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