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Sep 20 – 21, 2023
Tollestrup Auditorium
America/Chicago timezone

Keynote - Nick Butler, NNSA

Sep 20, 2023, 8:15 AM
Tollestrup Auditorium

Tollestrup Auditorium


Nick Butler, the Deputy Director of the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Office of Radiological Security (ORS), provides an overview of the office’s mission to enhance U.S. and global security by preventing high-activity radioactive materials from being used in acts of terrorism. As part of this mission, ORS promotes the use of non-radioisotopic alternative technologies through research, outreach, education, and complete device replacements in order to reduce global reliance on high-risk radioisotopes in medical, research, and industrial applications. Within the realm of medical device sterilization, ORS supports academia and industry partners by funding research, including through the key collaborative effort of “Team Nablo.” ORS supports and communicates advancements in technology and listens to industry needs and concerns through outreach activities such as the inaugural ORS Industry Day and annual Fermi Medical Device Sterilization Workshops.

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