Tianlai Analysis Teleconference

Peter Timbie, Peter Timbie (UW-Madison)



1. Reviewer's comments on Dish Array cross-coupling paper - Peter.   See attached slides.   One question from the reviewer was about the possibility of structure appearing in the nightly mean (Figure 15) arising from cable reflections.   Albert suggests we check whether those structures appear in the calibration on Cas A.  

2. Other topics for this week or future weeks?  Shifan would like to discuss his paper "A Radio Interferometric Couplings Modeling and Analysis Method for 21 cm Cosmology" next week.

3. Ayodeji Ibitoyea introduced himself.  He's working with Xuelei on cross-correlating 21 cm intensity maps with CMB maps.  

4. We meet next week.  Peter will likely be away.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.