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Participant List

22 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Chris Olsen FNAL Operations Department
Consolato Gattuso Fermi Lab ADES
David Ifversen AD/Operations
Donovan Tooke AD/OPS
Gilberto Perez
Hayden Hoschouer AD Operations
Jakob Schaeffer
Joe Compton AD/Operations
Kelli Rubrecht AD Operations
Kevin McDonough Fermilab
Martin Murphy Fermilab AD Operations
Maxwell Monningh Main Control Room
Michael Guzman Fermilab
Michael Olander AD/Ops
Michael Wren AD/Ops
Nathan Ruffatti
Pat Karns AD/OPS
Rob Ainsworth Fermilab
Spencer Schiefelbein AD/Operations
Stanley Johnson Accelerator Division, FermiLab
todd sullivan fermilab
Walter Kissel AD/Operations