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4–6 Oct 2023
Michelson Center for Physics (MCP)
US/Central timezone


GHz to THz Detectors

4 Oct 2023, 09:15
MCP 201 (Michelson Center for Physics (MCP))

MCP 201

Michelson Center for Physics (MCP)

933 East 56th Street South Entrance Room 201 Chicago IL 60637 773-702-7823


GHz to THz Detectors

  • Andrew Sonnenschein (Fermilab)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Chiara Salemi (Stanford University and SLAC), Noah Kurinsky (SLAC National Laboratory)
04/10/2023, 09:50
Dylan Temples (Fermilab)
04/10/2023, 11:20
Ritoban Basu Thakur (California Institute of Technology)
04/10/2023, 11:45

Building timetable...