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Phase II Gaseous Argon TPC group Weekly Meeting

Disappearance Room (WH13SE) and Zoom

Disappearance Room (WH13SE) and Zoom

    • 10:00 AM 10:20 AM
      Round table updates 20m
      Speakers: Naseem Khan, Richard Gran (University of Minnesota - Duluth)

      Rik spoke about some recent cross section studies on pion production modeling.  He will give a longer and more formal update on multiplicity modeling in a few weeks.

      Naseem:  Still waiting to start on Mach3 side of things.  Awaiting new CAFs from Francisco.  Finishing up a lot of TOAD GArsoft things, checking HFI to root conversion.

      Vivek:  Leo and Vivek met with Francisco last week. 

      We hope to have a talk from Pilar Colima on Nov 14th.