4:25 PM
CMS ECAL L1 Trigger: Rejection of Anomalous Signals and Effects on e-gamma Candidates
Cort Thoreson
(Northeastern University)
4:35 PM
Graph Neural Networks for track reconstruction in ATLAS ITk
Minh-Tuan Pham
4:45 PM
Search for charged-lepton flavor violation in the production and decay of top quarks with the CMS detector
Jack Li
(Northeastern University)
4:55 PM
Search for new physics in CMS Run2 data using MonoJet signature
Abhishikth Mallampalli
(UW Madison)
5:05 PM
Status of the FoCal detector at ALICE
(University of Kansas)
5:15 PM
Measurement of ttH Production Rate in the H to bb Decay Channel at CMS
Abhisek Datta
(University of California, Los Angeles)
5:25 PM
Long Lived Particle Triggering at Level-1 with the CMS Hadron Calorimeter
Gillian Kopp
5:35 PM
A Search for Sexaquarks in Parked 2018 Data at CMS
Wren Vetens
(University of Wisconsin - Madison)
5:45 PM
Development of Front-End Electronic Modules for CMS MIPs Timing Detector, End-cap Timing Layer
Naomi Gonzalez
5:55 PM
Readout for Calorimetry at Future Colliders: The HL-LHC ATLAS Liquid Argon Front-End Readout Electronics and Beyond
Gabriel Matos
(Columbia University)
6:05 PM
Systematic Effects in Jet Tagging Performance for the ATLAS Detector
Kevin Greif
(University of California, Irvine)