Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be down for a brief server restart on Friday Jan 24th at 5PM CST. The downtime will be 15min at most.

Public Tour - RITM1881492

Laura Haseltine, Mari Oates (EPE)

Public Tour November 27, 10:00-12:00

All adults MUST have a REAL ID to enter Fermilab. (Generally, a passport or an enhanced driver's license with a star).

Please enter through the entrance at Pine St. and Kirk Rd. Please meet at Lederman Science Center 15 minutes before the tour for checkin. All participants must be at least 10 years old. All adults must register separately.

    • 10:00 AM 12:00 PM
      WH 2XO, WH Ramsey Auditorium, WH Atrium, WH 15th Floor