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12–14 Mar 2024
America/Chicago timezone

Contribution List

30 / 30
Giulio Stancari (Fermilab), Hannah Fee (Accelerator Division)
12/03/2024, 10:00
Alexander Valishev (Fermilab), Lia Merminga (FNAL)
12/03/2024, 10:10
Alexander Valishev (Fermilab)
12/03/2024, 10:25
Aleksandr Romanov (Fermilab/AD/IOTA)
12/03/2024, 10:55
Giulio Stancari (Fermilab)
12/03/2024, 11:25
Cristhian Gonzalez-Ortiz (Michigan State University), Robert Ainsworth (Fermilab)
12/03/2024, 13:00
Daniel MacLean (FNAL: FAST Facility / IOTA)
12/03/2024, 13:30
John Wieland (Michigan State University), Nikita Kuklev (Argonne/UChicago)
12/03/2024, 14:00
Mary Bossard (Graduate Student)
12/03/2024, 14:30
Aleksandr Romanov (Fermilab/AD/IOTA)
12/03/2024, 15:30
Giulio Stancari (Fermilab), Alexander Shemyakin (Fermilab)
12/03/2024, 16:00
Michael Wallbank (Fermilab)
12/03/2024, 16:30
Sergei Kladov (The University of Chicago)
13/03/2024, 10:00
Pietro Musumeci (UCLA), Alex Murokh (RadiaBeam Technologies, LLC.)
13/03/2024, 10:30
Randy Thurman-Keup (Fermilab), Nathan Eddy (Fermilab)
13/03/2024, 11:30
Chad Mitchell (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
13/03/2024, 13:30
Massimiliano Fiorini (INFN Sezione di Ferrara and Università degli Studi di Ferrara)
13/03/2024, 14:00
Oksana Chubenko (NIU), Jared Maxson (Cornell University)
14/03/2024, 10:00
Carol Johnstone (Fermilab)
14/03/2024, 13:00
Navid Vafaei-Najafabadi (Stony Brook University)
14/03/2024, 14:00
Jonathan Jarvis (Fermilab)
14/03/2024, 14:30