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Fermilab / UChicago Electron-Lens Meeting

    • 14:00 14:20
      General Updates 20m
      • John submitted the initial requisition as a visitor with the help of Irma Campos. Approval is needed from Jonathan, Vladimir and Sasha Valishev.
      • The UChicago contract with Fermilab for John's time has been approved for next year for ~ $ 20 k. John will continue working on parts of the e-lens project.
      • MaryKate will talk to Giulio today about finalizing her report on the electron sources.
      • IPAC abstracts are due on December 11. Is there a shared document to collect them for IPAC?
      • The FAST/IOTA collaboration meeting will be held from March 12 - 14, 2024 at Fermilab. Details will be finalized this month.
      • Giulio finished characterizing the Gaussian electron source and it is ready to be used for non-linear lens and electron cooling experiments.
      • Nilanjan will follow up with Dave Franck to purchase the parts to put the MCPs in vacuum. The parts can be purchased using the FAST Research Support account.
      • Nilanjan is working on the detailed report on the specifications for the electron cooling experiment. He will show results on proton parameters next week.
    • 14:20 15:00
      Preliminary feasibility study for a Cyclotron Emission Monitor for the IOTA e-lens 40m
      Speaker: Sergei Kladov (The University of Chicago)
      • Include a range of parameters for the IOTA case. Electron beam voltage can be increased to 10 kV which also increases current substantially. The electron temperatures for circular cathodes are also significantly higher. Sergei K. will reach out to Giulio for parameter ranges.
      • We should compile all the calculations into a report which basically answers the question: "Is making a cyclotron emission monitor to measure electron beam temperature feasible? If so what kind of hardware and cost will it involve?"