Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be down for maintenance on Wednesday, July 17th from 7-7:30 am.

Progress Reports

    • 1
      Short-Time Approximation
      Speaker: Andreoli Lorenzo
    • 2
      Interfacing Electron and Neutrino Quasielastic Scattering Cross Sections with the Spectral Function in GENIE
      Speaker: Noah Steinberg
    • 3
      Nucleon Vector Form Factor Implementation in GENIE
      Speaker: Borah Kaushik
    • 4
      NuHepMC update
      Speaker: Steven Gardiner (Fermilab)
    • 5
      SuSAv2 inelastic model development for GENIE
      Speaker: Jesus Gonzalez