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Tianlai Analysis Teleconference

Peter Timbie, Peter Timbie (UW-Madison)


Attendance on the call was a little sparse - maybe some people have forgotten the change to Mondays.  Next call will be in 2 weeks, Monday March 11.   Clocks will change in US on March 10 and in France on March 31, so be prepared for some changes...

21 cm Cosmology Workshop:   Peter reports that we now have 8 confirmed 'keynote' speakers who will attend.   SOC is continuing to send out invitations.  Next SOC meeting is Monday, March 18.

Report from Jixia about Tianlai array: 

  • Dish correlator problem (couldn't reboot) required returning correlator to Beijing.  With help from Institute of Automation the problem was found and repaired - dust on a pin of one of the chips!  H.K. has returned with it to site and will reinstall.
  • Broken fiber optic for CNS has been repaired, at least temporarily 

WIYN survey paper:  Haoxuan has made plots of tiles.  Albert - When is next meeting to discuss?  

*Reminder about emailing to the Tianlai list:   Anyone member should be able to email to this list from the email account they used to join it:


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Minutes for last meeting (February 6) are posted
    • 2
      Update on planning for Tianlai Collaboration meeting/ 21 cm Cosmology Workshop in Hangzhou 2024
      Speakers: Albert Stebbins (Fermilab), Haijun Tian, Peter Timbie (UW-Madison), Reza Ansari (Univ. Paris Sud & LAL, CNRS/IN2P3), Xuelei Chen (NAOC)
    • 3
      Update on Tianlai observations, including repeated TDA drift scans of calibration sources
      Speaker: Jixia Li (NAOC)
    • 4
      Update on WIYN NCP spectroscopic survey paper
      Speaker: Albert Stebbins (Fermilab)
    • 5
      Cosmology in the Alps: inputs needed for Tianlai presentation

      Speaker: Reza Ansari (Univ. Paris Sud & LAL, CNRS/IN2P3)