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NPC Neutrino Seminar

EMPHATIC: A table-top hadron production experiment for improved neutrino flux predictions

by Jonathan Paley (Fermilab)

Hornet's Nest (WH8X) and Zoom

Hornet's Nest (WH8X) and Zoom


Abstract: Experiments make use powerful accelerator-based neutrino beams to explore the properties and interactions of these elusive fundamental particles.  As the neutrino flux cannot be easily measured, we rely on a-priori predictions of the flux for analyses, including measurements of neutrino oscillations, neutrino-nucleus cross sections, and beyond-the-Standard Model searches.  These flux predictions rely on simulations of the production and focusing of hadrons in and downstream of the neutrino production target, resulting in 10-20% uncertainties, which is often a limiting systematic uncertainty in many measurements and searches for new physics.  The EMPHATIC Collaboration has joined the global effort to improve these flux predictions by using a novel, table-top sized spectrometer to collect a suite of hadron scattering and hadron production data for incident particles, momenta and nuclear targets that have not been measured before or have large measurement uncertainties.  In this seminar I will review the status of accelerator-based flux predictions, the global effort to reduce their uncertainties, and the unique approach that EMPHATIC brings to this effort.