Tianlai Analysis Teleconference

Peter Timbie (UW-Madison), Peter Timbie


Note change in time in US has affected the meeting time:  Monday, March 11 at ... 

13:00 UTC :  8:00 AM CDT (Chicago), 9:00 AM EDT (Providence), 13:00 BST (London), 15:00 CET (Paris), 18:30 IST (Indore), 21:00 CST (Beijing).
21 cm Cosmology Workshop:  we now have 11 confirmed keynote speakers.  Raul Monsalve will come if we provide some funding (room/meals/registration fee).    Xuelei will ask Haijun to update the website with names of confirmed speakers and to add a link on the registration page for people to enter their talk abstracts.   After that, we can advertise the meeting more widely.  Is there a website where these things are posted?   (Former UBC site no longer works.) In any case, we will ask SOC to share the website with colleagues & collaborations they are part of.   Next meeting of SOC is Monday March 18.
Analysis of Tianlai Cylinder data:   Yunbo Geng presented attached slides below.   He's using the Sun as a calibrator.   Plotting intensity vs time, the Sun crossings often match the beam simulation, but not always.
Analysis of Tianlai Dish Array data:  Guangzhi He presented attached slides below.  He's using TLpipe for some of the data processing and then using CASA to make maps of the NCP.  He would like some calibrated data.  Albert will send to Yougang.   Will be a test of a large data transfer to China.
Status of the Tianlai Arrays:  Jixia reports that the Dish Array correlator is operating once again.  The plan is to resume drift-scan observations of calibration sources.
NCP/WIYN paper:  Albert  deserves to be reprimanded for not holding a meeting but will arrange one for later this week.   Friday at this same time may be a possibility.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.