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DUNE DAQ Core Software Meeting

Kurt Biery (Fermilab), Roland Sipos (CERN)
    • 09:00 09:20
      OKS status update 20m
      Speaker: Eric Flumerfelt (Fermilab)
    • 09:20 09:35
      DPDK/NICReceiver missed packets 15m
      Speaker: Roland Sipos (CERN)

      From SOFlow ( )

      reasons for imissed in your applications could be the following reasons

      1. CPU frequency is in power save and not performance (impact of not disabling C states in BIOS).
      2. There is additional work or sleep added in RX thread loop will prevent rx_burst been invoked frequently
      3. RSS is enabled, but traffic send to DPDK port is falling on 1 queue only. In case of too many RX queues like 16, this leads to increase delay to pick packet from the relevant queue.
      4. iF RX thread is feeding worker cores based on flow id, there could be retries if RING full scenarios leading to loss of rx_burst.

      If testpmd or example/skeleton or example/l2fwd is not having imissed. then here are my suggestions to debug your applciation.

      1. try sending RX-TX from single-core
      2. set power governed from powersave to performance.
      3. ensure you are running the core threads on isolated cores.
    • 09:35 09:50
      AOB 15m
      Speakers: Kurt Biery (Fermilab), Roland Sipos (CERN)