CCM Meeting


Zoom: (usual password)

    • 1
      Speakers: Alexander Tapper (Imperial College London), Pierre Lasorak (Imperial College London)

      Releases in progress etc.

    • 2
      Round table: control
      Speakers: Pierre Lasorak (Imperial College London), Zbynek Kral (CTU Prague)


      • Nanorc work
        • Changes to logbook messages
        • Make sure default run type is production -- change of CLI for nanorc04
        • Merge timeout PR for k8s.
    • 3
      Round table: config
      Speakers: Alan Watson, Giles Barr (Oxford University), Giovanna Lehmann (CERN), Gordon Crone (University College London), Joeal Subash, Juraj Bracinik (University of Birmingham)


      • Presentation about engineering release in DAQ meeting
      • Work on timing and introduce OKS to more modules.
      • Found some things to improve in HSI libs etc.
      • Is latest tag ready for release? Release candidate. TBD.





    • 4
      Round table: k8s etc.
      Speakers: Alessandro Thea (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Bonnie King (FNAL), Patrick Riehecky (Fermilab), Pierre Lasorak (Imperial College London), Tiago Alves (Imperial College London), Tiago Alves (Imperial College London)


        K8s testing last week
        • Network issues last week
        • Changed proxy to microsocks -- most stable
        • Still see some failure in pings
        • Mitigated by setting longer timeout (10s)
        • Do we separate data and control networks? no (not in ssh either)
        • Run ping from inside k8s cluster? Tested. Seems fewer errors.
        • Upgrade k8s etc. versions? Rebuild cluster(s)? Yes, should take one hour. Request time from Wes
      • Microservices
        • Restart to pick up new image -- quick fixes in PR -- Wes tested and saw Oracle error -- others to test then merge and deploy.
    • 5
      Round table: monitoring
      Speaker: Marco Roda (University of Liverpool)


      • InfluxDB issues:
        • 100K maximum number of tags -- based on potential performance issues -- can be removed
        • Workaround for PD2 with new table
        • Upgrade to influxDB v2 (or v3 unknown when released) a possibility
        • Separate session and app from element for v5.1?
        • Conclusion: look into upgrade of v2 -- how much work? backward compatible?
        • Also, use as a opportunity to define procedures for database migrations?
      • General
        • CTB monitoring PR merged (added to trigger and HSI dashboard)
        • Redundant/obsolete plots -- contact HSI -- Stoyan, Diana et al.
    • 6
      Round table: others

      Meeting next week? Tentatively cancel next week unless Wes yells.