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Fermilab / UChicago Electron-Lens Meeting

    • 14:00 14:30
      General Updates 30m
      • Sergei K. is mostly working on the Noise in Electron Bunches report and trying to finalize a project for his thesis. He occasionally worked on the cyclotron emission monitor report and monitors the pressure on the UChicago test stand, once a week.
      • John and Nilanjan have been following up on various questions from the procurement specialists. All 3 requisitions are getting active attention from procurement, which is good news.
      • Young-Kee might have a new accelerator physics PhD student this fall. They might be able to help in the assembly and testing of the new electron source we are procuring right now.
      • Nilanjan will visit CERN from May 6 to May 16 to participate in the commissioning of the electron cooler in the Low Energy Ion Ring at CERN with Magnesium ions.
      • MaryKate has gotten back to updating her report on the electron gun design for cooling. She has been doing an extensive literature review to polish the report. She remarked that the focus electrode for the weak electron source is 34 mm in height, which is a bit too big according to Giulio, so she is looking for other possible configurations. MaryKate estimates that all the updates should be complete by April. We scheduled a presentation at the e-lens meeting for April 24.