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Fermilab Theory Seminars

Simulation and Signatures of Dark Sector Glueball Showers

by Caleb Gemmell (University of Toronto)

Curia II

Curia II


Parton showers are part and parcel of particle phenomenology, but what in the case of a zero flavour confining dark sector? The only available hadronic states are dark sector glueballs, and to date there have been very few quantitative studies of dark sector glueball signatures due to the uncertainties around hadronization in the zero flavour limit. This is despite the fact they commonly appear in motivated BSM theories such as neutral naturalness, and are prominent long lived particle candidates. We found that significant progress can be made despite the non-perturbative uncertainties, and in this talk I outline a method of simulating the formation of dark glueballs from a perturbative dark gluon shower. These simulations have allowed us to study a variety of dark glueball phenomena quantitatively for the first time, including the indirect detection of dark matter annihilating into dark sector glueballs, and various collider signatures.