CCM Meeting


Zoom: (usual password)

    • 1
      Speakers: Alexander Tapper (Imperial College London), Pierre Lasorak (Imperial College London)


      • Filling ongoing -- expect to finish week of April 29th -- 3 weeks later to get to nominal purity
      • Lot of activity for detectors coming up
      • VD cold box testing ongoing, should be complete
    • 2
      Round table: control
      Speakers: Pierre Lasorak (Imperial College London), Zbynek Kral (CTU Prague)


      • Introduce Pawel -- started on Monday and will work on Run Control
      • Nanorc work
        • None
        • Alessandro requested that we could log in without RCPD
      • Drunc work
        • K8s process manager discussions with Tiago
        • OKS/drunc PRs in appdal and coredal
        • Struggling a bit with how the information is organised in OKS for drunc
        • Want to revive non-OKS version of drunc so parallel development on k8s and UI can proceed
      • Talked with RSE team at Imperial about potential work on run control in future


      • Catching up
    • 3
      Round table: config
      Speakers: Alan Watson, Giles Barr (Oxford University), Giovanna Lehmann (CERN), Gordon Crone (University College London), Joeal Subash, Juraj Bracinik (University of Birmingham)


      • Nothing to add
      • OKS meeting (probably) tomorrow


      • OKS meeting last week -- tag collection for the engineering release (v5)
      • Hoping for release soon but still missing some tags
    • 4
      Round table: k8s etc.
      Speakers: Alessandro Thea (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Bonnie King (FNAL), Patrick Riehecky (Fermilab), Pierre Lasorak (Imperial College London), Tiago Alves (Imperial College London), Tiago Alves (Imperial College London)


      • PRs on micro services closed but not merged? Alessandro didn't want to merge DB this point, so PR without separation merged.


      • Microservices:
        • Timezone in the run registry/number wrong -- Geneva time but labelled GMT -- solution to store UTC.
        • Disconnection from the DB every 24 hours -- now renews every hour.
        • Fixes tested -- time to create image and deploy -- want to add create image automatically, nice but not urgent
      • K8s testing
        • Monitoring runs using k8s
        • 23.5 hour k8s test -- error message on termination -- everything seems to work fine
        • Suggest starting number of runs to check reliability of startup procedure
      • K8s PM:
        • Started some basic tests of starting up pods
        • Discussion on UUID for processes in ssh pm. Could use PID + user host? 
        • Thinking about how to add to k8s pm
    • 5
      Round table: monitoring
      Speaker: Marco Roda (University of Liverpool)
    • 6
      Round table: others


      • Work with Eric to merge in some items into feature branch. Needs volunteer to play with dbe.

      Alex & Pierre:

      No meeting next week!