DUNE Core Computing Meeting



Aaron Higuera Pichardo (Rice University), Andrew McNab (University of Manchester), Andrew Norman (Fermilab), Brett Viren (BNL), David Adams (BNL), Doug Benjamin (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Elisabetta Pennacchio (IN2P3), Heidi Schellman (Oregon state), Michael Kirby (BNL), Paul Laycock (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Steven Timm (Fermilab), Thomas Junk (Fermilab)

We will have the DUNE General computing meeting:


Meeting ID: 336 647 590

standard computing password, will be sent by email for those who don't know it.

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        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 336 647 590
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