Weekly CCE-SOP tele-conference

Peter van Gemmeren (ANL), Saba Sehrish (Fermilab)

Topic: HEP-CCE2/SOP video conference

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Meeting ID: 632 1415 1964

Passcode: 528737

# Attendees

-  Peter, Saba, Serhan, Amit, Chris, Dan, Jean Luca, Marcin, Matti, Rui, RobL, Shane, Paolo


# Introduction/Management News

  • Next week: RNTuple review continues


# Applying Lessons Learned to HEP Experiments, Mimicking Framework, Darshan and HDF5

Mimicking Framework, Darshan and HDF5

Amit Bashyal, Christopher Jones, Kenneth Herner, Patrick Gartung , Peter van Gemmeren, Rui Wang, Saba Sehrish, Shane Snyder

  • Shane: 

    • a bunch of us hung out with ROOT team at Argonne; 

    • ROOT mini-benchmarks / reporting

    • Next step: validate root reporting with darshan stats 

  • Peter:

    • Compare performance between RNTuple and TTRee with ATHENA workflow using the Darshan Log. 

    • Rui is working on this and hopefully some examples in the next meeting.


# Tracking and aiding the evolution of ROOT I/O, in particular RNTuple

Alaettin Serhan Mete, Amit Bashyal, Barnali Chowdhury, Christopher Jones, Daniel Riley, Kyle Knoepfel, Marcin Nowak, Matti Kortelainen, Peter van Gemmeren, Philippe Canal

  • Darshan work belongs in “applying lessons” more than here in “evolution of ROOT i/o”

  • Serhan enabled re-enabled multi threaded buffer writing using RNTuple in ATLAS

  • Peter: Following up with Chris’s last presentation, ATLAS did not see huge memory consumption like CMS sees. 

  • Chris: CMS might have a lot more subfields. 

  • Matti: What memory number do you (ATLAS check)?

  • Serhan: Checked Virtual memory size and RSS. 


# Reduced Precision and Intelligent Domain-specific Compression Algorithms 

Amit Bashyal, Meghna Bhattacharya, Peter van Gemmeren

  • Amit, uploaded slides.

  • LDRD proposal: use intelligent lossy compression against DUNE raw data.  Approved for 3 months – supporting a student


# Object Stores and Strategies for Data Placement and Replication

Bo Jayatilaka, Doug Benjamin, Nicholas Smith, Rob Latham, Rob Ross, Saba Sehrish, Shane Snyder 

  • Saba meeting with Bo (CMS storage – experiments with Ceph) next week

  • CMS and ATLAS have been doing work on this front. Nick presented last week and ATLAS has been doing object stores for their data. 

  • RNTuple stores data in DAOS and the study of RNTuple support of DAOS falls under object store. 

  • Rob L: Nothing to add for now. 


# Optimized Data Delivery to HPC systems

Marco Mambelli, Saba Sehrish

  • Saba reached out to Marco but he was not able to reach out today. Marco sent an email and later Saba adds in note:  

  • Marco’s update: Installed a Globus Connect Server on if-globusdtn-01.fnal.gov. The plan is to use this to process ANL data from the Fermilab experiment (transferred there from the DAQ host). Thomas Wester has been doing some transfer tests obtaining close to 700MBpb to/from ANL which is sufficient for their online rate. Transfer rate to/from this server and the DAQ server are currently the bottleneck. Thomas is using rsync, the plan is to test xroot.

 We’d like suggestions for more rigorous transfer tests/testing tools

Thank you

Here the server details:
[root@if-globusdtn-01 ~]$ globus-connect-server endpoint show
globus-connect-server node list
globus-connect-server node show 77ebb043-a18c-4450-b7ee-288150db970d
globus-connect-server storage-gateway list
globus-connect-server collection list
Display Name:    Fermilab-SBND
ID:              d868b0a3-3883-44ff-bd0e-7e1d2110d6dd
Subscription ID: None
Public:          True
GCS Manager URL: https://1f04eb.8443.data.globus.org
Network Use:     normal
Organization:    Fermilab
Contact E-mail:  marcom@fnal.gov
ID                                   | IP Addresses    | Status
------------------------------------ | --------------- | ------
77ebb043-a18c-4450-b7ee-288150db970d | | active
ID:                  77ebb043-a18c-4450-b7ee-288150db970d
IP Addresses:
IPv4 Data Interface:
IPv6 Data Interface: None
Status:              active
Display Name         | ID                                   | Connector | High Assurance | MFA
-------------------- | ------------------------------------ | --------- | -------------- | -----
scratch test gateway | 8a3be7a0-d2a8-4c40-93ca-0e3737362c37 | POSIX     | False          | False
cephfs test gateway  | b24ebbba-57b3-4b40-bf7f-abee18f21813 | POSIX     | False          | False
ID                                   | Display Name                 | Owner           | Collection Type | Storage Gateway ID                   | Created    | Last Access
------------------------------------ | ---------------------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ------------------------------------ | ---------- | -----------
3adfccf0-130d-4538-8a33-46d44b044e48 | CephFS SBND Collection FNAL  | marcom@fnal.gov | mapped          | b24ebbba-57b3-4b40-bf7f-abee18f21813 | 2024-03-22 | 2024-04-16
5d51cf7c-733f-4900-a6ba-11be49f55ef0 | Scratch SBND Collection FNAL | marcom@fnal.gov | mapped          | 8a3be7a0-d2a8-4c40-93ca-0e3737362c37 | 2024-04-16 | 2024-04-16
[root@if-globusdtn-01 ~]$ globus-connect-server storage-gateway show  b24ebbba-57b3-4b40-bf7f-abee18f21813
Display Name:                      cephfs test gateway
ID:                                b24ebbba-57b3-4b40-bf7f-abee18f21813
Connector:                         POSIX
High Assurance:                    False
Authentication Timeout:            10080
Multi-factor Authentication:       False
Allowed Domains:                   ['fnal.gov']
Administrator Manages Credentials: False
[root@if-globusdtn-01 ~]$ globus-connect-server storage-gateway show  8a3be7a0-d2a8-4c40-93ca-0e3737362c37
Display Name:                      scratch test gateway
ID:                                8a3be7a0-d2a8-4c40-93ca-0e3737362c37
Connector:                         POSIX
High Assurance:                    False
Authentication Timeout:            10080
Multi-factor Authentication:       False
Allowed Domains:                   ['fnal.gov']
Administrator Manages Credentials: False


# Any Other Business


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 11:00 11:05
      Introduction/Management News 5m

      Live notes, please contribute :)

      Speakers: Paolo Calafiura (LBNL), Peter van Gemmeren (ANL), Saba Sehrish (Fermilab), Salman Habib (Argonne National Laboratory)
    • 11:10 11:20
      Applying Lessons Learned to HEP Experiments, Mimicking Framework, Darshan and HDF5
      Conveners: Amit Bashyal (Argonne National Lab), Christopher Jones (Fermilab), Kenneth Herner (Fermilab), Patrick Gartung (Fermilib), Peter van Gemmeren (ANL), Rui Wang (ANL), Saba Sehrish (Fermilab), Shane Snyder (Argonne National Laboratory)
    • 11:20 11:30
      Tracking and aiding the evolution of ROOT I/O, in particular RNTuple 10m
      Speakers: Alaettin Serhan Mete (Argonne National Laboratory (US)), Amit Bashyal (Argonne National Lab), Barnali Chowdhury (Argonne National Laboratory), Christopher Jones (Fermilab), Daniel Riley (Cornell University), Kyle Knoepfel (Fermilab), Marcin Nowak (BNL), Matti Kortelainen (Fermilab), Peter van Gemmeren (ANL), Philippe Canal (FERMILAB)
    • 11:30 11:40
      Reduced Precision and Intelligent Domain-specific Compression Algorithms 10m
      Speakers: Amit Bashyal (Argonne National Lab), Meghna Bhattacharya, Peter van Gemmeren (ANL)
    • 11:40 11:50
      Object Stores and Strategies for Data Placement and Replication 10m
      Speakers: Bo Jayatilaka (Fermilab), Doug Benjamin (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Nicholas Smith (Fermilab), Rob Latham (Argonne National Laboratory), Rob Ross (ANL), Saba Sehrish (Fermilab), Shane Snyder (Argonne National Laboratory)
    • 11:50 12:00
      Optimized Data Delivery to HPC systems 10m
      Speakers: Marco Mambelli (Fermilab), Peter van Gemmeren (ANL), Saba Sehrish (Fermilab)