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Securing our Quantum Assets Symposium

Ramsey Auditorium, Wilson Hall (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)

Ramsey Auditorium, Wilson Hall

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Corner of Kirk Rd and Pine St. Batavia, IL 60510-0500

Welcome Quantum Community Partners,

Please join academic, industry, and government colleagues at the inaugural Quantum Symposium: Securing our Quantum Assets on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois.

Co-hosted by FBI Chicago and the Chicago Quantum Exchange’s Bloch Tech Hub, the symposium will feature speakers from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, US Department of Energy, and other US Government and industry partners.

Speakers at this day-long symposium will discuss a wide range of security challenges unique to the quantum ecosystem and identify resources and partnerships to address those challenges.

Topics include:

  • Balancing the Benefits and Risks of International Collaboration 
  • Threats to Quantum Research  
  • Fraud Targeting Companies in the Emerging Technology Sector  
  • Government Resources for Research and Intellectual Property Security 
  • Cyber Security / Hygiene  
  • Adversarial Use of Quantum Science  
  • Public, Private and Academic Partnership Opportunities

Registration, coffee, and networking will start at 7:30 am on Wednesday, 29 May, with opening remarks to begin promptly at 8:15 am. The event will conclude at 4:30 pm, with an optional networking event to follow at a nearby location. Lunch is sponsored by P33 Chicago.

Attendance is free; however, pre-registration is required. This event is by invitation only. Please contact us at to nominate a delegate. Please note that participants must be United States citizens and must include a valid corporate/business or government email address when registering. Attendance will be confirmed by email approximately two weeks prior to the event.

Please register by COB Friday, May 10, 2024 using the registration link below.


  • US Citizenship (this event is limited to only US Citizens)


Link to Directions to Fermilab

If possible, please enter through the Batavia Rd entrance via Route 59. (Please allow 30 minutes for badging/in-processing at the entrance gate)

Local lodging list attached:

Event Registration
For more info
    • 7:30 AM 4:30 PM
      WH Ramsey Auditorium