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Indico will be down for maintenance on Wednesday, July 17th from 7-7:30 am.

DUNE Core Computing Meeting


Aaron Higuera Pichardo (Rice University), Andrew McNab (University of Manchester), Andrew Norman (Fermilab), Brett Viren (BNL), David Adams (BNL), Doug Benjamin (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Elisabetta Pennacchio (IN2P3), Heidi Schellman (Oregon state), Michael Kirby (BNL), Paul Laycock (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Steven Timm (Fermilab), Thomas Junk (Fermilab)

We will have the DUNE General computing meeting:

Meeting ID: 336 647 590

standard computing password, will be sent by email for those who don't know it.

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        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 336 647 590
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    • News from Computing Management etc: News from Computing Management
      • 1
        News from Computing Consortium

        Speakers: Dr Andrew McNab (University of Manchester), Heidi Schellman (Oregon state), Kenneth Herner (Fermilab), Mathew Muether (Wichita State), Dr Michael Kirby (BNL)
      • 2
        News from partner projects (DC2024, OSG, WLCG, IRIS, HEP-CCE, HSF, Root, Rucio ... etc)[email protected]&pli=1 is the HSF calendar

        Speakers: Doug Benjamin (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Heidi Schellman (Oregon state), Michael Kirby (BNL), Peter van Gemmeren (ANL), Philip Demar (FNAL Computing Division)
      • 3
        Justin tutorial

        Justin tutorial

        Speakers: Aaron Higuera Pichardo (Rice University), Andrew McNab (University of Manchester), Heidi Schellman (Oregon state)
    • Operations
      • 4
        protoDUNE II Horizontal Drift (np04) operational status
        Speakers: Jake Calcutt (Oregon State University), Dr Michael Kirby (BNL)
      • 5
        protoDUNE II Vertical Drift (np02) operational status
        Speakers: Dr Elisabetta Pennacchio (IN2P3), Elisabetta Pennacchio
      • 6
        Operations Meeting report

        Sites, networking, and central DUNE computing services (GlideinWMS, SAM, RUCIO, CRIC, ETF, Databases).

        Speaker: Dr Steven Timm (Fermilab)
      • 7
        Production status report

        Speakers: Aaron Higuera Pichardo (Rice University), Elisabetta Pennacchio (IN2P3), Dr Kenneth Herner (Fermilab), Sophia Farrell (Rice University), Tejin Cai (York University)
      • 8
        ProtoDUNE HD/VD DRA Offline Coordination

        Speakers: Barnali Chowdhury (Argonne National Laboratory), Barnali Chowdhury (University of South Carolina), Jake Calcutt (Oregon State University), Wenqiang Gu (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 9
        2x2 prototype
        Speakers: Matt Kramer (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Tammy Walton (Fermilab)
    • Software Development
      • 10
        PD/FD/ND Software Development

        (This item should probably be split into smaller units?)

        Add in Coldbox (Iceberg/np02/np04) and 2x2

        Speakers: Barnali Chowdhury (Argonne National Laboratory), Elisabetta Pennacchio, Dr Elisabetta Pennacchio (IN2P3), Dr Mathew Muether (Wichita State University), Mathew Muether (Wichita State), Dr Thomas Junk (Fermilab)
      • 11
        Databases Development
        Speakers: Ana Paula Vizcaya Hernandez (Colorado State University), Heidi Schellman (Oregon state), Lino Gerlach (BNL), Prof. Norm Buchanan (Colorado State University), Norman Buchanan, Paul Laycock (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
      • 12
        Software Management
        Speakers: David Adams (BNL), David Adams, Jake Calcutt (Oregon State University), Dr Kurt Biery (Fermilab), Dr Thomas Junk (Fermilab)
      • 13
        Frameworks Task Force update
        Speakers: Barnali Chowdhury (Argonne National Laboratory), Barnali Chowdhury (University of South Carolina), Brett Viren (BNL), Callum Wilkinson (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), J. Pedro Ochoa (University of California at Irvine), Jake Calcutt (Oregon State University), Kenneth Herner (Fermilab), Mathew Muether (Wichita State), Matt Kramer (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Thomas Junk (Fermilab)
    • Computing Services Development
      • 14
        Data Management development

        SAM, RUCIO etc

        Speakers: Aaron Higuera Pichardo (Rice University), Doug Benjamin (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Igor Mandrichenko (FNAL), Dr Steven Timm (Fermilab)
      • 15
        Workflow Development

        justIN, HEPCloud, GlideinWMS, POMS, etc.

        Speakers: Dr Andrew McNab (University of Manchester), Christopher Brew, Kenneth Herner (Fermilab), Raja Nandakumar (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
      • 16
        Information Systems development

        Speaker: Doug Benjamin (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
      • 17
        Monitoring Systems development

        ETF site monitoring, RUCIO monitoring, perfSonar network monitoring!(),refreshInterval:(pause:!t,value:0),time:(from:now-1d,to:now))

        Workflow Testing Framework:

        Speakers: Andrew McNab (University of Manchester), Christopher Brew, Heidi Schellman (Oregon state), Pete Clarke (The University of Edinburgh (GB)), Raja Nandakumar (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Steven Timm (Fermilab), Wenlong Yuan (University of Edinburgh), Prof. peter clarke (University Edinburgh)
    • 18
      Documentation and Training
      Speakers: Claire David (York University / FNAL), David DeMuth (Valley City State University), Heidi Schellman (Oregon state), Dr Michael Kirby (BNL), Dr Thomas Junk (Fermilab)
    • 19
      Practice talks if any
      Speakers: Brandon White (Fermilab), Doug Benjamin (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Michael Kirby (BNL), Paul Laycock (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Steven Timm (Fermilab)