Weekly CCE-SOP tele-conference

Peter van Gemmeren (ANL), Saba Sehrish (Fermilab)

Topic: HEP-CCE2/SOP video conference

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Meeting ID: 632 1415 1964

Passcode: 528737

# Attendees
-  Peter, RobL, Saba, Chis, Paolo, Salman, Shane, Patrick, Jean Luca, Marcin, Philippe, Serhan, Rui, Matti, Dan

# Introduction/Management News
Please fill out poll for All Hands Meeting availability: Doodle  – accurate attendance will help secure meeting rooms
DoE says “focus on AI”
Everyone’s going to see a 6% cut next year
CCE can use this new AI focus – AI already part of proposed work
“Logical ways that we can proceed”

# Applying Lessons Learned to HEP Experiments, Mimicking Framework, Darshan and HDF5
Mimicking Framework, Darshan and HDF5
Amit Bashyal, Christopher Jones, Kenneth Herner, Patrick Gartung , Peter van Gemmeren, Rui Wang, Saba Sehrish, Shane Snyder
Extending Jean Luca tools to deal with multiple files
Saba wants to make sure we continue to look at HDF5 in addition to TTree and RNTuple

# Tracking and aiding the evolution of ROOT I/O, in particular RNTuple
    Alaettin Serhan Mete, Amit Bashyal, Barnali Chowdhury, Christopher Jones, Daniel Riley, Kyle Knoepfel, Marcin Nowak, Matti Kortelainen, Peter van Gemmeren, Philippe Canal

Next RNTuple API review meeting likely in 3 weeks, modules tbd

Matti/Peter: Will have a review meeting dedicated to error handling (exception based) and documentation.

# Reduced Precision and Intelligent Domain-specific Compression Algorithms 
    Amit Bashyal, Meghna Bhattacharya, Peter van Gemmeren

# Object Stores and Strategies for Data Placement and Replication
    Bo Jayatilaka, Doug Benjamin, Nicholas Smith, Rob Latham, Rob Ross, Saba Sehrish, Shane Snyder 

Saba going to make some calls to “get this topic moving”
Peter: work to evaluate three replication strategies in object store

# Optimized Data Delivery to HPC systems
    Marco Mambelli, Saba Sehrish
Marco still looking on SBN transfers

# Any Other Business

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