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Weekly CCE-SOP tele-conference

Peter van Gemmeren (ANL), Saba Sehrish (Fermilab)

Topic: HEP-CCE2/SOP video conference

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Meeting ID: 632 1415 1964

Passcode: 528737

# Attendees
# Introduction/Management News
All Hands Meeting update?
July 22nd-24th : 2.5 days


# Applying Lessons Learned to HEP Experiments, Mimicking Framework, Darshan and HDF5
Mimicking Framework, Darshan and HDF5
Amit Bashyal, Christopher Jones, Kenneth Herner, Patrick Gartung , Peter van Gemmeren, Rui Wang, Saba Sehrish, Shane Snyder
(Rui) Add the overall data access comparison between PHYSLITE in RNTuple/TTree slide 3 here
(Amit) Present few slides on works done in GPU friendly DUNE raw data model designed in the GPU hackathon  in the next SOP meeting

# Tracking and aiding the evolution of ROOT I/O, in particular RNTuple
    Alaettin Serhan Mete, Amit Bashyal, Barnali Chowdhury, Christopher Jones, Daniel Riley, Kyle Knoepfel, Marcin Nowak, Matti Kortelainen, Peter van Gemmeren, Philippe Canal
Next API Review for June 26 (in four weeks), Covering remaining modules: RNTupleDescriptor, RColumn/ColumnElement, RPage, RPageStorage/Cluster
After that, we should have Mid-Review meeting to finalizing early requests to ROOT
Second part of review looking into:
Review of Error handling, exceptions, documentation.
Considerations of performance and tuning.
Final review meetings, produce document for ROOT.

# Reduced Precision and Intelligent Domain-specific Compression Algorithms 
    Amit Bashyal, Meghna Bhattacharya, Peter van Gemmeren
# Object Stores and Strategies for Data Placement and Replication
    Bo Jayatilaka, Doug Benjamin, Nicholas Smith, Rob Latham, Rob Ross, Saba Sehrish, Shane Snyder 
# Optimized Data Delivery to HPC systems
    Marco Mambelli, Saba Sehrish
# Any Other Business

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Introduction/Management News

      All Hands Meeting:

      We expect the meeting to last 2.5 days, during which we will (among other things):
      1) Review the impact of our Phase I and Phase II activities on our stakeholders (experiments and HPC centers)
      2) Highlight early results and open issues from each Phase II area: PAW, SOP, SIM, and SML.
      3) Discuss priorities and update milestones for Year 2 of the project, taking into account the input from our program manager and the report from the project review (which we should receive in the coming weeks).
      3a) Specifically, in Year 2, we have been encouraged to increase the scope of AI/ML activities in CCE to ~25% of the total effort
      We look forward to seeing you all in person at LBL or virtually.

      Speakers: Paolo Calafiura (LBNL), Peter van Gemmeren (ANL), Saba Sehrish (Fermilab), Salman Habib (Argonne National Laboratory)
    • Applying Lessons Learned to HEP Experiments, Mimicking Framework, Darshan and HDF5
      Conveners: Amit Bashyal (Argonne National Lab), Christopher Jones (Fermilab), Kenneth Herner (Fermilab), Patrick Gartung (Fermilib), Peter van Gemmeren (ANL), Rui Wang (ANL), Saba Sehrish (Fermilab), Shane Snyder (Argonne National Laboratory)
    • 2
      Tracking and aiding the evolution of ROOT I/O, in particular RNTuple

      Suggest 06/12 for next RNTuple API review meeting:

      RColumn/ColumnElement, RPage
      RPageStorage/Cluster and RPageSource

      Would complete module list (unless I missed something).

      Followed by:
      - Mid review meeting, finalizing early requests to ROOT.
      - Review of Error handling, exceptions, documentation.
      - Considerations of performance and tuning.
      - ...
      - Final review meetings, produce document for ROOT.

      Speakers: Alaettin Serhan Mete (Argonne National Laboratory (US)), Amit Bashyal (Argonne National Lab), Barnali Chowdhury (Argonne National Laboratory), Christopher Jones (Fermilab), Daniel Riley (Cornell University), Kyle Knoepfel (Fermilab), Marcin Nowak (BNL), Matti Kortelainen (Fermilab), Peter van Gemmeren (ANL), Philippe Canal (FERMILAB)
    • 3
      Reduced Precision and Intelligent Domain-specific Compression Algorithms
      Speakers: Amit Bashyal (Argonne National Lab), Meghna Bhattacharya, Peter van Gemmeren (ANL)
    • 4
      Object Stores and Strategies for Data Placement and Replication
      Speakers: Bo Jayatilaka (Fermilab), Doug Benjamin (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US)), Nicholas Smith (Fermilab), Rob Latham (Argonne National Laboratory), Rob Ross (ANL), Saba Sehrish (Fermilab), Shane Snyder (Argonne National Laboratory)
    • 5
      Optimized Data Delivery to HPC systems
      Speakers: Marco Mambelli (Fermilab), Peter van Gemmeren (ANL), Saba Sehrish (Fermilab)