Tianlai Analysis Teleconference

Peter Timbie (UW-Madison), Peter Timbie



21 cm Cosmology Workshop

- insert actual titles of invited speakers into SOC document https://cirrus.universite-paris-saclay.fr/s/xoYmBKyYii4tymo and then into conference website https://tianlai.bao.ac.cn/meeting/2024/.    Peter will contact Haijun and Yichao about this.

- replace Yi Mao's talk with Andrei Mesinger's   - Peter will update SOC doc

- update Yidong's talk title - done

TDA observations - Jixia

- drift scan observations are continuing but fiber to CNS still needs to be repaired

- no observations for about a week

WIYN NCP paper - Albert

- let Albert know if you want to join the author list or look at the document

- Albert will schedule a (remote) meeting about the paper either this friday  (7th) or next friday (14th)

- Reza's mock catalogs (based on SDSS) are hard to distinguish from the actual survey.  Albert shared a comparison image that will go into the paper.   Reza has updated the mocks (shared by email) so will be even harder to distinguish.  

Next meeting - June 18

- discuss observing plan for transition to low z tuning

- Shifan's paper on correlations between cylinder feeds


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.