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Mar 6 – 8, 2013
US/Pacific timezone
This is a pre-meeting of the Cosmic Frontier CF6-A subgroup. This meeting is part of the preparation for the 2013 Snowmass Community Planning Summer Study. The meeting will be held March 6-8, 2013 at SLAC and will include joint meetings with the Intensity Frontier. Topic areas covered include: 1. Physics of Interactions Beyond Laboratory Energies 2. Particle Acceleration in the Cosmos 3. Cosmic Particles as Probes of Fundamental Physics 4. New Particles (Q-Balls, Anti-Nuclei, Strangelets, Primordial Black Holes) 5. Neutrino Physics from Astrophysics (in conjunction with the Intensity Frontier) To see the latest updates to this schedule and the complete schedule for the Cosmic Frontier Workshop see: or use the link on the left panel.
2575 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park, CA 94025