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Indico will be down for maintenance on Wednesday, July 17th from 7-7:30 am.

OKS4DAQ meeting

Eric Flumerfelt (Fermilab)
    • 08:00 08:05
      Planning overview 5m

      Particular emphasis on tasks to be completed within weeks 25-26:
      -> classes/attributes renaming deployment
      -> completion/fix of operational monitoring publications
      -> drunc updates
      -> EHN1 configurations
      -> preparation of tag collector - release coordinator?

      Speaker: Eric Flumerfelt (Fermilab)
    • 08:05 08:15
      Status of renaming of classes/files in nightly 10m
      Speaker: John Freeman


      As far as I can tell all the straight renaming was done. The last naming change is a bit more involved: there is a suggestion to change the OKS class ReadoutModule (and ReadoutModuleConf) into DataHandler (and DataHandlerConf). If we do this, then we should take the opportunity to change the naming of readoutlibs into datahanlinglibs and possibly merge readoutmodules into this repo.

      Class/file names such a ReadoutConcept.* and ReadoutModel.* ReadoutModulesIssues.* should be renamed to DataHandlerConcept DataHandlerModel DataHandlerIssues.

      And, maybe DataLinkHandler should become a RawDataHandler?


      Alessandro: Cannot rename readoutlibs/modules without breaking v4.X development; must make new repo. Definitely go ahead with renaming OKS classes, for clarity and it should not affect too much code. Determine if we have time and resources available to create new datahandling repo, into which both readoutlibs and readoutmodules are collapsed (taking history from readoutlibs). Deploy repo into dev nightlies when ready, perform switch when functionality is confirmed. Ale will make daq-release Issue for tracking.

    • 08:15 08:25
      operational monitoring fixes 10m
      Speakers: Artur Sztuc (Imperial College London), Roland Sipos (CERN)
    • 08:25 08:40
      Drunc modifications status 15m
      Speakers: Pawel Plesniak (Imperial College London), Pierre Lasorak (Imperial College London), Tiago Alves (Imperial College London)

      Changes made to drunc:

      • Changes made for client-side FSM sequences, still in progress
      • Log file console width changed (thanks Alessandro)
      • Suggestions made for UI logs, all raised as issues (thanks Alessandro and Giovanna)
      • RSE team have dummy boot and dockerized kafka, discussions had about development environment (mainly dependencies on kafka, docker, and cvmfs causing issues)

      Todo in the upcoming week

      • Continue client-side FSM sequence development
      • Work with an OKS expert to define boot timeout to be long enough to boot CRP4 config without timeout. Requires defining timeout parameter and importing it to overwrite parameter in the process_manager. 
      • Work with NanoRC expert to boot terminal dump to resemble NanoRC - issue 99
    • 08:40 09:00
      Preparing configuration area 20m
      Speakers: Alessandro Thea (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Giovanna Lehmann (CERN)

      The repository is available here (

      It is populated with all needed configuration files for CRP4. Debugging ongoing (GLM/AT).

      CRP5 to be added once CRP4 is stable.



    • 09:00 09:10
      Tag collector setup & release coordination 10m
      Speakers: Alessandro Thea (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), John Freeman