5 March 2013
US/Pacific timezone

The annual meeting of DURA is being held at SLAC on Tuesday, March 5 in the Kavli Auditorium.

It will be possible to join via audio using ReadyTalk: (866) 740-1260, access code: 6078628.

We encourage all members of DURA to attend this meeting since there will be opportunities for broad-reaching discussion of the issues for the underground science community. Laboratory directors, funding agency officials and senior scientists from the field will be making presentations.

Please note that access to SLAC requires a photo ID at the main gate (e.g. driver’s license, passport) - make reference to the DURA meeting. Parking is limited on site. Please try to carpool or take public transportation to get to SLAC.

A current list of particpants is available here.

Kavli Auditorium, SLAC