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TMS Studies Meeting

    • 10:00 10:20
      Update on charge ID 20m
      Speaker: Xiaoyan Huang

       Asa’s talk:1. Additional truth info merged into the main tree.

          problematic event for Kalman Filter: tracks being ignored, clusters       reconstructed into tracks.

      2. Andy’s question: can you explain what is matched?

          match UV plane hits.

      3. Jeffrey: Is the situation common? Answer: one out of 1000,

       It is an event usually accompanied by a lot of other particles.

      4. Reco level geometry studies, see details in Asa’s slides.

      5. Tom: Is it possible to send pions into the TMS? We'll need this sample in the future. Pions will usually stop within 10 planes.

      6. PDR discussions: who is going to put PDR together? Jeffrey is named the point person.

       Steven: TMS capabilities expected: energy resolution, track matching, charge ID, etc.

       Tom: suggested tech notes be written and plots could be pluck from those tech notes and put into PDR.

      Jeffrey: pile up almost working.

      Discussion of tasks listed in the Excel sheet to be included into the PDR.

      Professors asked to give a talk about the details needed in the PDR.

      Liam: Kalman filter is stable, momentum reconstruction maybe a bit off but will be fixed.


      TMS studies notes:

      Tom: Use sign distance but using hits 1-2, 1-3, etc, then add or avg or add square. Don't give up on it yet.

      Tom: When hitting field transition region, switch signs in the math. That will fix a lot, but not everything. There are "swimmers" that get stuck in transition region and go back and forth

      Jeff: Simulated mag field transitions instantly, which isn't realistic. Take a look at a real magnetic field map

    • 10:20 10:40
      PDR Updates 20m
    • 10:40 11:00
      General update 20m
      Speaker: Mx Asa Nehm (JGU Mainz)