- Jixia presented the latest version of the agenda for the 21 cm Cosmology Workshop and the Collaboration Meeting (the latter is organized by Yougang)
- Reza is providing access to Zoom. Has added a local co-host and a 'waiting room' feature
- Peter asked that the slides be saved and made available
- Jixia will ask local students at Hangzhou to record parts of the meeting (at least the remote talks)
- Some additional topics for discussion at the Collab Meeting:
- review of the previous measurements of cross-coupling and isolation in the correlator
- planning for observations of the NCP with dish array, retuning to lower redshift
- Jixia shared the updated Tianlai wiki page showing the observing logs for dish array
- Logs show dish array observations for past several years
- Jixia has some concerns about the accuracy of some of the labels - dates incorrect in some cases?
- Have a great meeting next week! We'll skip the next regular telecon (no telecon on July 30, the week after the meeting)
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