CCM Meeting


Zoom: (usual password)

    • 08:00 08:05
      News 5m
      Speakers: Alexander Tapper (Imperial College London), Pierre Lasorak (Imperial College London)
    • 08:05 08:10
      Round table: control 5m
      Speakers: Pawel Plesniak (Imperial College London), Pierre Lasorak (Imperial College London), Tiago Alves (Imperial College London), Zbynek Kral (CTU Prague)

      drunc gantt chart


      • Changes for fddaqv5.1.0 finalized, documentation written
      • Small updates past this:
        • `terminate` now exists and runs as expected. Needs cleaning up but is merged and works
        • Signals changed to [`SIGQUIT`, `SIGKILL`] (was [`SIGINT`, `SIGKILL`, `SIGQUIT`])
        • terminology around `shutdown` redefined, redocumented, updated FSM diagram on `drunc` wiki 
      • Current active projects
        • Process manager log files
        • Aesthetics:
          • Booting progress bars to resemble `nanoRC`
          • Redirecting current `boot` `iostream` to log file



    • 08:10 08:15
      Round table: config 5m
      Speakers: Alan Watson, Alessandro Thea (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Giovanna Lehmann (CERN), Gordon Crone (University College London), Henry Wallace (Royal Holloway, University of London)


      • Nothing new
    • 08:15 08:20
      Round table: k8s etc. 5m
      Speakers: Alessandro Thea (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Bonnie King (FNAL), Jonathan Hancock (University of Birmingham), Patrick Riehecky (Fermilab), Pierre Lasorak (Imperial College London), Tiago Alves (Imperial College London), Tiago Alves (Imperial College London)


      • Working with Marco on new opmon db writer
    • 08:20 08:25
      Round table: monitoring 5m
      Speaker: Marco Roda (University of Liverpool)


      • For v5.1.0 dashboard are updated with a set of filters in the readout, frontend and TP dashboards. The amount of lines was becoming unmanagable. Feedback is welcome. 
      • dashboards for v4.4.5 tagged and frozen. Development area is now v4.4.6. Possibly CRT related development there. 
      • Tomorrow deployment of new opmon microservice
      • Giovanna will propose the new monitoring to go in for v5.2.0. It's just a proposal, the CT will decide. It's probably necessary if we want to have the new monitoring in by the end of the year. 
    • 08:25 08:30
      Round table: others 5m


      • Network monitoring 
        • Get data into dashboards from CERN IT 
        • Additional metrics from switch
      • ICEBERG run finished -- work on RR etc. later

      Take a break from CCM meetings -- next meeting August 14