Please read these instructions before posting any event on Fermilab Indico

Indico will be unavailable on Wed., Dec 18th from 7 - 7:30am due to server maintenance.

Fermilab / UChicago Electron-Lens Meeting

    • 1
      Procurement of McMillan gun parts and preparation for assembly
      • The McMillan gun parts being manufactured by Meyer Tools should have been completed this week. But, it seems that they are still in the process of machining some of them. Will ask for an updated promise date.
      • Once the parts from Meyer Tools arrive, we will immediately move forward with assembly and test fits. We still need the following:
        • Cathode and heater. RFP sent to 3M technical ceramics. Factor of 2 cheaper than Heatwave!
        • Heat shield. Molybdenum sheets spot welded with copper shims? In the original guns, these were fabricated in-house in Fermilab. Unfortunately, their construction is not clear from the drawings and the personnel who fabricated them have retired. We need to disassemble the existing hollow electron gun to learn more. Discuss this with Giulio!
        • Fasteners. This will be a relatively small purchase which can be done through procard.
        • Basic UHV supplies for cleaning and assembly. Might be easier if the solvents are procured by UChicago. Ask Young-Kee.
      • We want to prepare a Nitrogen backfill system at UChicago for assembling UHV chambers. Ask Dave Franck to suggest a suitable layout.
      • Prepare spare vacuum chambers to store spare cathodes and electron gun.
    • 2
      Space-charge simulations for bare IOTA
    • 3
      Electron cooling updates