We had a DOE audit last week. We will not have the technical report for another month.
We did really good.
There was a penetration test the week before.
The results from the penetration test will be at the Sysadmin Roundtable.
Scientific Linux
Scientific Linux 5.x - progress thus far
What is the timeframe for Scientific Linux 5:
This is just a educated guess. In the words of the upstream vendor, "we will
release it when it's ready."
First Beta - two weeks from TUV release, so sometime around March 30
Final Release - anywhere from 1 month to 2 months. If everything works perfect, let's say April 16. But I'd love to have it out no later than May 14.
There are 126 rpm's that the Upstream Vendor released that were built on Fedora Core 6.
We really want to have SL5 released for Hepix.
The upstream vendor has released their beta of Update 5 for 4, so SL 4.5 is in a few months.
Scientific Linux Fermi
Scientific Linux Fermi 5.x - Progress thus far
This is just a educated guess, but we plan on working on SLF 5 in parallel with SL5, so things should be somewhat close. The problem might (or might not) be the workgroups. But let's be optimistic.
First Beta - two weeks after S.L.'s beta, so sometime around April 16
Final Release - anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months after S.L. If everything works perfect, let's say May 14. But I'd love to have it out no later than June 14.
Tips and Tricks
Our monthly tip or trick
Full Virtulization on S.L. 5
*didn't work*
Question and Answers
Any questions from the audience.
There was a request that we make DVD installation DVD.
Quiz and Free Stuff
Our Monthly Quiz to give away our monthly supply of free stuff.
This months quiz is on Linux and Unix trademarks.