drunc gantt chart
drunc issues prioritisation
- Progress since last meeting
- Zombie process issue found, seems to work but tracing
- Force flag for terminate (working, need to finish zombie review before PR)
- Started planning what we want to publish with OpMon, but first how the metrics will be published need to be decided
- Objectives to complete until next week
- Run number microservice bug
- Continue OpMon work
- Progress
- FSM batch mode and prefix are gone
- Started to look into drunc/ERS
- This week
- Continue drunc/ERS (likely need a bit of rewrite a bit of the python bindings)
- drunc-unified-shell / PM splitteroo
- Items for discussion (we need a green light from overall DAQ for both, I suspect)
- Session renaming, are we doing it? (see presentation)
- Hard coded port number, are we removing them? (I'd advocate for yes, since it looks like we are stuck with SSHPM for a while). Here is a list of places that I think will need change
- Connectivity service incoming traffic port and how to feed it to the daq_application correctly.
- daq_application/controller control ports and how to make it available in the connectivity
- grpc endpoint for applications -- design for v5.2