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17–19 Jun 2013
US/Central timezone

Contribution List

63 / 63
Prof. Daniel Kaplan (Illinois Institute of Technology), Prof. Grant Bunker (IIT)
17/06/2013, 08:30
Prof. Alan Bross (Fermilab)
17/06/2013, 08:35
Steve Virostek (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
17/06/2013, 08:55
by phone
Maria Leonova (Fermilab)
17/06/2013, 09:15
possibly by phone
Dr Victoria Blackmore
17/06/2013, 09:35
Ed Overton
17/06/2013, 09:50
Durga Rajaram (Illinois Institute of Technology), Prof. Maurizio Bonesini
17/06/2013, 10:05
Andy Nichols (STFC)
17/06/2013, 11:00
Dr Mark Palmer (Fermilab)
17/06/2013, 11:30
17/06/2013, 12:00
Dr Paul Smith
17/06/2013, 13:30
Dr Holger Witte (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
17/06/2013, 14:10
Prof. Alan Bross (Fermilab)
17/06/2013, 14:35
John Cobb (Oxford), Mike Courthold (RAL)
17/06/2013, 15:30
Mr Allan DeMello (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
17/06/2013, 15:55
Ruben Carcagno (FNAL)
17/06/2013, 16:15
Pierrick Hanlet (Illinois Institute of Technology/FNAL)
17/06/2013, 16:35
17/06/2013, 16:55
Dr Chris Rogers (Rutherford Lab)
18/06/2013, 08:30
Andrew Moss (Daresbury Lab), Kevin Ronald (Univ. of Strathclyde)
18/06/2013, 08:30
Prof. Yagmur Torun (Illinois Institute of Technology)
18/06/2013, 08:45
Dr Ryan Bayes (Glasgow)
18/06/2013, 08:50
Luca Somaschini (INFN Pisa)
18/06/2013, 09:00
Dr Adam Dobbs
18/06/2013, 09:10
Dr Colin Whyte (University of Strathclyde)
18/06/2013, 09:15
Edward Santos (Imperial College)
18/06/2013, 09:30
possibly by phone
Christopher hunt (Imperial College London)
18/06/2013, 09:30
18/06/2013, 09:45
Durga Rajaram (Illinois Institute of Technology)
18/06/2013, 09:50
Ed Overton
18/06/2013, 11:00
Ruslan Asfandiyarov (Univ. of Geneva)
18/06/2013, 11:20
requires phone/remote connection
Dr Chris Rogers (Rutherford Lab)
18/06/2013, 11:50
18/06/2013, 12:10
Dr Linda Coney (UC Riverside)
18/06/2013, 13:30
Yordan Karadzhov (University of Geneva)
18/06/2013, 13:50
requires phone/remote connection
Pierrick Hanlet (Illinois Institute of Technology/FNAL)
18/06/2013, 14:10
18/06/2013, 14:30
Ruslan Asfandiyarov (Geneva University)
18/06/2013, 15:30
requires phone/remote connection
MOM, Dr Ryan Bayes (Glasgow)
18/06/2013, 15:50
Dr Ian Taylor (Warwick University)
18/06/2013, 16:10
Dr Milorad Popovic (FNAL)
18/06/2013, 16:25
Henry Nebrensky (Brunel Uni)
18/06/2013, 16:35
Dr Linda Coney (UC Riverside)
18/06/2013, 16:45
Dr Chris Rogers (Rutherford Lab)
19/06/2013, 09:15
Durga Rajaram (Illinois Institute of Technology)
19/06/2013, 09:45
Andy Nichols (STFC)
19/06/2013, 11:15
Prof. Kevin Ronald (Univ. of Strathclyde)
19/06/2013, 11:45
Prof. Yagmur Torun (Illinois Institute of Technology)
19/06/2013, 12:15
Alain Blondel (DPNC Université de Genève)
19/06/2013, 12:35
Pierrick Hanlet (Illinois Institute of Technology/FNAL)
Dr Yordan Karadzhov (Univ. of Geneva)
Dr Linda Coney (UC Riverside)

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