Layout of feed positions on new cylinders - Xuelei described a plan to put fewer feeds on the new cylinders and more on the original three.
For the next few meetings Reza suggests we focus on these topics:
Discussions of cross couplings between feeds / antennas
A. Understanding the different sources of correlated signals and other spurious affecting Tianlai visibilities
We need to review what was done for the dish array, and if similar studies were done for the cylinder array
B. How can we push our understanding of the correlated noise originating from couplings between feeds?
C. Possible methods to mitigate the effects of coupling between feeds ( see Shifan's paper)
Plan future discussions of Dish array observation and analysis strategy
A. Available and foreseen observations
B. Calibration strategy
C. Making maps from mid-latitude stripes and analyse these maps , before observing NCP
Schedule next discussion of TNCCS WIYN/Spectroscopic survey analysis paper - Tues Sept 17 usual time