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Takuya Okawa - Washington Univ. St. Louis - Affleck-Dine baryogenesis in curvaton inflation


Abstract: The origin of the baryon asymmetry of this universe remains one of the most compelling mysteries. In this talk, I explore the Affleck-Dine baryogenesis in curvaton scenarios. Affleck-Dine mechanism generates a baryon asymmetry through the dynamics of a complex scalar field carrying a baryon number. We demonstrate that this complex scalar field can simultaneously function as a curvaton, an additional field that typically facilitates producing a large curvature fluctuation, while preserving the desirable properties of either mechanism. As realized in a typical curvaton scenario, this combined scenario also predicts isocurvature perturbation induced by the complex scalar field at the end of inflation, being converted into adiabatic perturbation through its subsequent decay. Notably, we find that this combined scenario potentially provides an explanation for the observed baryon asymmetry and curvature perturbation at once.

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