v5.2 Release Coordination

    • 08:00 08:20
      Release Overview & Goals 20m
    • 08:20 08:40
      Working Group Deliverables 20m
      Speakers: Asher Kaboth (Royal Holloway University of London/Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Joshua Klein (University of Pennsylvania), Joshua Klein, Kurt Biery (Fermilab), Marco Roda (University of Liverpool), Pierre Lasorak (Imperial College London), Stoyan Trilov
    • 08:40 09:00
      Questions from Developers and Testers 20m
      Speakers: Eric Flumerfelt (Fermilab), Kurt Biery (Fermilab)

      Questions from Kurt:

      • Will the configuration "inspector" utility from Alessandro be included in v5.2?  (a link to the code is here)
        • If yes, when will it get merged to the develop branch?
      • I still see occasional instances of "controller" processes taking a while to exit after I exit drunc when using the 30-Sept nightly build.
        • is that supposed to be fixed, and I'm doing something wrong?
        • if not, will that behavior get fixed in v5.2, or at a later time?
        • if v5.2, when?
      • Can we ask Michal to proceed with a fix for TR #0 (Issue here)?
      • Is the code ready for a test of multiple simultaneous DAQ sessions running on the same computer?
        • (I'd appreciate a reminder of how to avoid clashes.)
      • How important is it to port the tardy TP changes in the TPStreamWriter from v4 to v5 (configuration-controlled warning messages; metrics to indicate discarded tardy TPs)?
      • [I'm corresponding with Pierre about some of the topics in this bullet, so some of these questions may be obsolete by the time of the meeting...]
        • What are the differences between the available FSMconfigurations?  It would be great for the Wiki page to have a high-level description of what they can/should be used for.  I can act as scribe if someone tells me what to write.
        • Pierre and I are working on the changes in drunc and rcif to pass the PROD vs. TEST argument to the FSM start command down to the HDF5 file (and from there, into the file-transfer metadata).
      • Are the errors and warnings about "Broadcast"s in the controller log files a relatively permanent feature?  If not, will they get addressed for v5.2, or for a later release?
        • log_biery_local-2x3-config_hsi-controller.log:           WARNING  "Broadcast": There is no broadcasting service!                                                              broadcast_sender.py:32
          log_biery_local-2x3-config_hsi-controller.log:           ERROR    "Broadcast": Propagating take_control to children (hsi-01) failed: NOT_EXECUTED_NOT_IMPLEMENTED. See its    broadcast_sender.py:65
      • Are the occasional errors in the daq_app log files about failures to connect to the ConnectivityService a relatively permanent feature?  If not, will they be addressed for v5.2, or for a later release?
        • Failed to lookup time_sync_104 at /getconnection/local-2x3-config connect: Connection refused

      Comments from Kurt:

      • Now that Giovanna's fix for request_timeout values in datahandlinglibs has been merged...
        • I will have a follow-up PR in daqsystemtest to reduce the request_timeouts for HSI and TC fragments in the sample config(s).  This is to avoid Inhibits.