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Timing System Meeting


Topic: Timing System Meeting
Time: Sep 26, 2024 03:00 PM London

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    • 15:00 15:15
      Pre-production hardware/PRR preparation 15m

      DUNE AFC v4 status

      MIB v3 status

      FIB v2 status

      GIB v2 status

      Documentation status

      Speakers: David Cussans (University of Bristol), Stoyan Trilov, Sudarshan Paramesvaran

      AFC status:

      Creotech responded, now to decide what to do as even pre-PRR takes 16 weeks, production 24 weeks; 

      Status: waiting on Jim to see if we can afford this as there's no official budget for pre/actual PRR 

      Happy to use Bristol modified AFC v4 boards for PRR 

      Magnus can continue doing modifications to AFC v4 - if not done by mid of next week, DC to chase
      Action: arrange internal review of DUNE mods to AFC v4

      MIB v3 status:

      ST: during MIB review number of pins was considered; FPGA has enough but other module doesn't ie must swap from internal to external termination; can get 10 links to CC pins 


      DC: email Pete Hastings to get quote 

      A. Thea suggests getting more expensive option if faster

      Note: don't forget MIB tongue 2 

      Fib v2 status:

      waiting on Magnus and OKS HSI to be done so ST can work on this

      Gib v2 status:

      Action: JP made list of suggested changes, DC to look over this soon and arrange for internal review of gib


      Action: Electrical Safety documentation - draft by early December 

    • 15:15 15:25
      Timestamp initialisation 10m
      Speakers: David Cussans (University of Bristol), Stoyan Trilov

      ST: after release,

      1. should get back to this after fib v2 

      2. then timestamp full change

      3. then timestamp with TAI 

    • 15:25 15:35
      DUNE DAQ v5.2.0 10m

      DTS HSI in v5.x.x
      - OKS
      - Op mon

      timing-drunc integration
      - custom FSM
      - timing commands with arguments

      Gaia high level support

      Speakers: Diana Antic (University of Bristol), Stoyan Trilov


      Diana: Working on testing HSIReadout using drunc on hardware (Boreas on fmc) 

      Action: ST + DA to work together on getting this working


      Action: After OKS stuff working, ST, DA and Marco Roda to meet to talk about getting Opmon back 

      Timing-drunc integration:

      FSM is now configurable st we can request FSM for ourselves and we won't need to use enable triggers and other commands that we don't need

      Custom commands which take args; ST tested a couple weeks ago and works - implemented cmd to send timing msg 

      Action: to add rest of commands after this release 

      Gaia high level support: 

      ST: there's a param to decide which timestamp source you're using (implemented) and the other is to decide which IRIG source to config IRIG epoch you want (to be done for next release)

    • 15:35 15:40
      DTS service software 5m
      Speaker: Stoyan Trilov

      ST: Pierre and ST discussed this 

      After release, to discuss plan with Pierre 

      For PRR should have design for this (UML diagram)


    • 15:40 15:50
      Phase measurement functionality / Endpoint on Ultrascale+ fabric 10m
      Speakers: Jean-Pierre Martin (Universite de Montreal (CA)), Jean-Pierre Martin (Universite de Montreal (CA)), Stoyan Trilov

      ZCU102 : to test before getting it to JPM

      Action: DA to check if SFP interface on ZCU works 

      JPM: to use his branch to test this ^ - v simple EPT with 4 resistors 



    • 15:50 15:55
      Operations support 5m




      Shipping Timing Unit to CRP factories

      Speakers: David Cussans (University of Bristol), Dennis Lindebaum (University of Bristol), Diana Antic (University of Bristol), Stoyan Trilov



      DL: to make list of what went well/not while writing up diss - 2 weeks to get draft done 

      Action: all of us to have a think and catch up in 2 weeks on this ^ 


      Action: DC to figure out if support we currently have (Aaron, Wes) will be enough/around for NP02 run

      No beam until March... 

      Dario pushed back WR integration to end of year... 


      No news (good news?) - DC to check if fans are working  

      Everyone at fermi had to take August off... 

      Shipping Timing Unit to CRP factories: 

      Action: DA to do after HSI work, to fix cables and lid etc... 



    • 15:55 16:00
      Round table 5m