4:00 PM
Nikos Varelas
(University of Illinois at Chicago)
Young-Kee Kim
4:05 PM
The Last Eight Years
Young-Kee Kim
4:15 PM
Fermi Site Office
Mark Bollinger
Michael Weis
4:20 PM
Dennis Kovar
James Siegrist
William Brinkman
4:30 PM
Fermi Research Alliance
Don Levy
(University of Chicago)
Steve Beering
4:40 PM
The Cosmic Frontier
Josh Frieman
4:50 PM
The Fermilab Accelerator Complex: In and Beyond the Oddone Era
Stephen Holmes
5:00 PM
Exploring the Energy Frontier with the Tevatron
Luciano Ristori
5:10 PM
CMS and the Large Hadron Collider
Ian Shipsey
(Purdue University)
5:20 PM
The Road to the Intensity Frontier
Bonnie Fleming
(Yale University)
5:30 PM
International Collaboration
Shekhar Mishra
Stefan Soldner-Rembold
(University of Manchester)
5:45 PM
Concluding Remarks
Nikos Varelas
(University of Illinois at Chicago)
Young-Kee Kim