Weekly production team meeting



    • 09:00 09:15
      round table 15m

      LE production

      1) run /subrun/event nb issue  in merged files:

          run id number is now set to justin workflow id, that is a monotonically increasing number

         first step in the workflow becomes:

      lar -c file.fcl -o ${prodname}.root -n $nevts -e ${runid}:${firstsubrun}:${firstevent}


      • pfn=`echo ${DID_PFN_RSE} | cut -f2 -d' '`
      • start_pfn=$((pfn -1))
      • firstevent=$((start_pfn * nevts + 1))

       tested in workflow 3691
      output files merged by using MergeLar.sh, output is here:


      first check with eventdump ok, asked Dom to further check


    • 09:15 09:45
      CHEP Practice talk 30m
      Speaker: Jake Calcutt (Brookhaven National Lab)