12 June 2013
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, IL 60510
US/Central timezone

KS0 production at the Main Injector Particle production experiment at Fermilab

Not scheduled
Wilson Hall Atrium (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, IL 60510)

Wilson Hall Atrium

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, IL 60510


Mr Amandeep Singh (Punjab University, Chandigarh)


The Main Injector Particle Production (MIPP) experiment at Fermilab is a full acceptance spectrometer to measure hadronic particle production using beams of $\pi^{\pm}$, $\rm{K^{\pm}}$, p and $\rm{\bar{p}}$ ranging in momentum from 5 to 120 GeV/c incident on Liquid-Hydrogen, Beryllium, Carbon, Bismuth, Uranium and NuMI targets. The experiment has excellent charged particle identification using Time Projection Chamber (TPC), Time of Flight (ToF), multicell Cherenkov, RICH detector and Calorimeters. A technique to reconstruct K$_{S}^{0}$ has been developed and will be described. This poster presents the preliminary inclusive cross-section result for the production of K$_{S}^{0}$ from the interaction of 84 GeV/c protons with Liquid-Hydrogen target and 120 GeV/c protons with Carbon, Beryllium, Bismuth targets.

Primary author

Mr Amandeep Singh (Punjab University, Chandigarh)

Presentation materials

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