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12 June 2013
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, IL 60510
US/Central timezone

Status of the NOvA Experiment

Not scheduled
Wilson Hall Atrium (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, IL 60510)

Wilson Hall Atrium

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Batavia, IL 60510


Dr Satish Desai (University of Minnesota)


The NOvA experiment will study neutrino oscillations using the NuMI beam produced at Fermilab. The experiment is currently under construction and will consist of a near detector at the Fermilab site, and a far detector, located 810 km away in Ash River, Minnesota, both 14 mrad off of the beam axis. The fully active liquid scintillator detectors are designed to identify the interaction of neutrinos from the beam. With the recent discovery of a non-zero $\theta_{13}$ at reactor-based neutrino experiments, NOvA will be well suited to study the ordering of the neutrino mass eigenstates and to search for CP violating effects in the neutrino sector. In this poster, I will present the current status of the detector construction and commissioning.

Primary author

Dr Satish Desai (University of Minnesota)

Presentation materials

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